Lasco Lasconder
(c/n 1)
The Lasconder was built by the
Larkin Aircraft Supply Company of Melbourne in 1929 as a
three engine
light airliner. Power was supplied by three 150 hp Armstrong
Siddeley Mongoose
engines. It bore a remarkable similarity to the Kreutzer
K-5 Air Coach which was developed
about the same time - mid to late 1929. Go to my image of the
latter at
and you
will see what I mean. The Lasconder was a one off and plans to
develop the design fell
It was struck off the register in 1934. The image above is from
the D. Darian-Smith
collection, via the Civil Aviation Historical Society of South
Australia, whilst that immediately
below is
from the aechives of the CAHS in Melbourne. Photo # 3 is
from the Geoff Goodall
and photo # 4, also from the CAHS archives,
shows -UMY
as the backdrop for
group photo of what was clearly the entire Larkin
Aircraft staff, circa 1929.
at the foot of the page is a shot from Andrew King of the Darwin
History Facebook
Group. No detail as to
date or venue, or who the two blokes in the fashionable hats were.