VH-TAL Douglas
(c/n 13921)
USAAF C-47A-30-DK 43-48105. To RAAF as A65-58 (VHCIK). It
civilianized in 1946 and went to TAA as 'Hann'. My shot outside their hangar
Essendon was in 1954.
The color shot below was taken by Barrie Colledge in
1956. In 1957 -TAL was sold to West
African Airways Corp in Nigeria as
After that state became independent in 1960, it was reregistered
I can never understand why ICAO decided
to allot these number-
combinations after WW II, although a radio ham friend indicates that
are the call signs for these
various countries. As far as aircraft identity prefixes
were concerned, however, it's not
as if all the two
letter permutations had been
taken. 'NG' would have done nicely for
Nigeria. But
5N? A case could be made
for the
number denoting a continent,
'5' being Africa. The 'N'
then drops naturally
Nigeria. But how about Samoa (5W)? Not
exactly Africa, is it?
And why
was Algeria given 7T?
Meanwhile, poor old 5N-AAK had
been commandeered
by the Air
Force and was destroyed on the ground during
the Nigerian Civil War,
(in November 1967) having been strafed by rocket armed
Federal L-29 Delphins.