VH-MLB DHC-2 Beaver 1
(c/n 1567)
Delivered late in 1964 as the first
VH-IDX, this Beaver was re-registered VH-MLB in February
1965 when sold to
Lukey Miller Aerial Service. Greg Banfield's shot above shows it
brand new
at Bankstown in
February 1965. Color scheme was white with maroon trim.
It carried Farm Air
titling when sighted
by Geoff Goodall in the photo immediately below, taken at Sale,
Victoria in
May of 1966.
This indicates that the aerial dusting firm was a
division of McInnes
Central Airways
which, in turn
was part of the Lukey Miller outfit. (I
guess if anything goes wrong, the deeper the
layers of
corporate structure, the more difficult it is to levy blame!).
-MLB later went to Western
Aerial Crop
Spraying and Spreading Services of Derrinallum, .Victoria. It was
involved in a typical
crop duster
prang in 1973 and, upon being repaired wound up, like the majority of
Aussie Beavers,
with Aerial Agriculture
Pty Ltd. Greg Banfield's second shot, at the foot of the
page, shows it at
Bankstown in
January 1976 in standard Aerial Agriculture livery
. Another crash near Captain's
Flat, NSW
(up in the wild Deua National Park country, south of Canberra) in
December 1979
saw it struck off the
register. It is presumed to have been scrapped on the spot.