VH-IND (2) Bell 47J-2
(c/n 3301)
Ansett-ANA registered VH-IND in March 1965, operating it on floats
between Essendon airport
and a pontoon moored on the
Yarra. In March 1968 Ansett sold –IND to
Sydney-based Heli-
opter Utilities, which registered
it to Airfast Services, one of its subsidiaries. David Carter’s
picture at Mascot shows it in the
yellow, white and black markings of Airfast. The helicopter was
returned to Ansett Transport Industries in May 1977 and immediately
withdrawn from use as un-
airworthy . The following year, in February, it
returned to the register with Peter Gerakiteys, a
well-known aviation identity from Newcastle . –IND was
withdraw from use in April 1983.