(3) Victa
Airtourer 100
(c/n 14)
Here's an interesting elevated shot of a smart
taken at Parafield (Adelaide), by Geoff
Goodall in January of
1964. It was the third aircraft to carry this RACSA
rego. Two months
later is was to participate in the 1964
R.M. Ansett Air Race, flown by Chris.P. Sperou (with his
Shortland Insurance Adjusting Co Ltd
sponsorship emblazoned on the fuselage). Greg Banfield
took the photo below at Bankstown on 29 March
1964 during the night stop. BWA was owned
by Glen Sturgess at Whyalla for some
years. The cropped image at the foot of the page is from
the Doug Stott collection and shows
Glenn and -BWA at a convention held at Loxton, SA in 1992.
It is still on the register and is owned by a
corporation in Sale,