VH-BUI Airspeed AS57
Ambassador 2
(c/n 5220)
In 1957 Butler Air Transport
acquired three
Airspeed Ambassadors. In his recently published
Butler reveals how impressed he was with the Ambassador and his eager
of the
type to
improve the standard of DC-3 travel on his airline's NSW country
when Butler Air
Transport was taken over by
Ansett-ANA in 1958, Reginald Ansett ordered that
the three
Ambassadors be sold because they were an "orphan" aircraft type
requiring uneconomic
spares and
support backup. They were sold to Dan-Air Services Ltd of
London, flown
back to
the UK, and reverted
to their previous regos, VH-BUI being
G-ALZX. Except for
photographs of BAT
Ambassadors are somewhat difficult to come by. The above
shot is an Eric
Allan photo (via
Geoff Goodall) and depicts VH-BUI at Mascot circa 1958.
The image below
was taken by
Ian MacFarlane at London
Heathrow after it had
been returned in October 1958.
It was soon to become G-ALZX again.