VH-BKA de Havilland D.H.82A Tiger Moth
(c/n DHA404)
This Tiger had had a series of identities before
becoming VH-BKA in 1957. It was civilianized
early in 1947 as VH-AXT (for some reason its original
allocation of VH-AXO was not taken up -
probably a
prohibited marking at the time). It became VH-BXT in April 1951
when the VH-AX*
series was
re-registered and then went to the Royal Victorian Aero Club as the
first VH-RVH in
1954. The club sold it off in 1957 when the Chipmunks
started arriving and it ended its days as
VH-BKA. It was
actually the second aircraft to assume that rego, the first being an
Anson with-
drawn from use in
1951. Bob Neate's photo (above) shows it at Moorabbin in 1961 as
a sprayer
with Tinamba-based
Farmair. Rod Adam's photo (below) was taken at West Sale in
January 1963
with slightly
changed FarmAir titling. -BKA was written
off in a crash at Derrinallum,
Victoria on
September 1964. That these aggie Tigers were swapped around
operators with impunity like
trading cards
(although sometimes they were subsidiaries of the same holding company)
is evidenced
by the
photograph at the foot of the page by Jeff Atkinson (via The Collection
p1234-2420) taken
at Moorabbin in
1957 whilst -BKA was in use a sprayer with Victorian Aerial Farming