Havilland D.H.84
Dragon (c/n 2086)
As in the case of
all the early VH-AF- series, this Dragon was the second aircraft
to be allotted the
registration, the
first being one of the Consolidated 28-5MA Catalina Flying Boats (see VH-AFD (1)
for more on this subject). The above aircraft
was built as a batch for the RAAF and was previously
A34-96. It was civilianized in 1945, and owned by Mr. Thyne Reid
when my shot, above, was
taken at
Bankstown in 1954. It crashed on takeoff from Sliesbeck airstrip
in the Northern Territory
31 August 1956. Ellis Trautman discovered a shot of it (below) in
his aunt's album whilst research-
ing family history.
DCA's accident reports states that ",,,,the aircraft swung on take-off
and ran into
a ditch. Loss of control due
to pilot inexperience".